Doladova O. V. (Post-graduate student, Samara State Social Pedagogical University)
The article focuses on comparing word-building and phrase-building structures and finding out their similarity. The author shows that they are much more similar than it seemed before, that both words and phrases are characterized by idiomaticity and that they are constructed by similar or even the same patterns. The boundary between the fund of words and that of set phrases is indistinct due to indefiniteness of discrimination criteria between words and phrases, on the one hand, and words and morphemes, on the other. The units are generated by models that fall into a number of sub-models some of which are syntactic and some are word-forming. The author emphasizes the fact that even if there is no full lexicalization of an idiom, mutual attraction of its constituent words increases, which results in partial loss of the nominative function and in acquiring stability and impenetrability. The idioms are no longer phrases but not yet words. Their constituent parts are no longer words but not yet morphemes. The research is based on the English language material.
Keywords:word-building, idiom formation, generative model, the analytical structure of a language.
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Citation link: Doladova O. V. Similarity and difference between word-building and phrase-building structures // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№07. -С. 109-113 |