Shesterina Elena (candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor at MGIMO (U))
This research paper is devoted to the study of the images of the language consciousness of the bearers of German and Russian culture, which are represented by verbal associations and also in the translation practice of the developing bilinguals. During the experimental connections between the associative potentials of the word and its realization in a context has been established. Also the reasons of similarity or a divergence between the associative field and process of understanding have been defined.
Keywords:image of the language consciousness, intercultural communication, translation experiment, associative experiment
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Citation link: Shesterina E. Experimental study of the content of images of language consciousness on the basis of metaphorical contexts using the results of translation and associative experiment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№08. -С. 176-181 |