Frolova Nadezhda Victorovna (Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Academy of the Federal Guard Ser-vice of Russia)
Panteleyeva Oksana Nikolayevna (Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Academy of the Federal Guard Ser-vice of Russia)
The object of testing and evaluating a future specialist’s foreign language com-petence can be the linguistic awareness of students, the formation of their speech activity types and the use of language in their extracurricular activities. The main objective of determining the level of students’ skills is studying posi-tive criteria, which would help to determine the level of forming students’ for-eign language competence. The best way to assess their readiness to use a for-eign language in their professional activity after graduation is "students’ port-folio", the content of which reflects not only the future specialist’s foreign lan-guage competence, but also his/her readiness for productive activity and ability to continuing education.
The article considers the assessment criteria and successfulness indicators of forming future specialists’ foreign language competence at a higher educa-tional institution; besides, it analyzes the levels of foreign language competence formation.
Keywords:foreign language competence; future specialist; successfulness assessment; formation level; criterion; indicator
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Citation link: Frolova N. V., Panteleyeva O. N. To the problem of assessing successfulness of forming future specialists’ foreign language competence at higher educational institution // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№11. -С. 95-99 |