Selyunina N. V. (Doctor of Sciences (History), Docent, Taganrog Institute named after A. Chekhov (RSUE branch), Academician in the Academy of Military History Science)
The article is based on a wide range of archive sources. It dwells on the analysis of the participation of the Don Cossacks in the war against the invaders who bravely defended the fatherland and were an example of whole-hearted dedication to their military duties. Ataman Platov’s colossal combat experience as well as military talent and determination allowed him to carry out a raid that not only weakened the onslaught of enemy troops at a critical moment for the Russian army, but also contributed to a radical change in the course of the Battle of Borodino.
Keywords:combat feat, armed forces, the Don Cossacks, the fatherland, military duty, the battle of Borodino, cavalry raid, the old guard.
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Citation link: Selyunina N. V. The role of the don ataman M. Platov in the battle of Borodino // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№05. -С. 30-33 |