Kravchenko Elizaveta Yuryevna (graduate student, St. Petersburg State University)
In the present article the author reviews religious aspect of Genoese and Venice republic’s colonial policy in the XII-XV century. During the inquiry special attention was given to missionary activities that takes place on trading posts’ territory of the North Black Sea Region. The article proposes to consid-er several concepts related to results and meaning of the First Crusade along with the role in the colonization process’s development in the East. The re-search includes the analysis of the cultural interrelation between catholic colo-nists and North-Caucasian nations, considers the specificity of traditions, cus-toms and linguistic specificities ethno-confessional group of the catholic circas-sians.
Keywords:Catholicism, colonialism, missionary work, cross-cultural relations, Genoese colonies, Venetian colonies, Circassia.
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Citation link: Kravchenko E. Y. The specificity of missionary Сatholic church’s activity Genoese and Venice colonies in the XII-XV centuries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№12/2. -С. 13-16 |