Qiu Xin (Candidate of philological Sciences, Lecturer, SiChuan University, China)
This article deals with the development of Chinese films of the science fiction genre. It is noted that this film genre began to really develop after the formation of the PRC. The author conventionally divides the entire development path of Chinese films of the science fiction genre into three stages: the initial stage (1952-1966); the stage of the first ascent (1978-2001); stage of the second recovery (2001 – up to the present). In conclusion, it is argued that the history of Chinese films of this genre is relatively short, it has many gaps and inaccuracies.
Keywords:«science fiction» genre, Chinese films, stages of development, fantastic elements, subgenres.
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Citation link: Qiu X. The history of development of Chinese films in the genre of scientific fantastic // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№12/2. -С. 21-23 |