Orekhov Alexander Nikolaevich (doctor of psychological science, professor, chairman of the Fund «Computer psychic»)
Klishchevskaya Olga Nikolaevna (postgraduate student,
Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis)
The article describes the Methods of Detection of Orekhov Klishchevskaya Complexes (MVKOC). The theoretical substantiation of the technique is presented, the procedure of carrying out the diagnostics is described, which consists of three stages, and also recommendations on individual points of the diagnostics are given. Features of processing, analysis and interpretation of results are shown.
Keywords:psychological complex, sexual complex, social complex, diagnostics, projective methods, degree of psychological complex, MVOC.
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Citation link: Orekhov A. N., Klishchevskaya O. N. Methods of Detection of Orekhov Klishchevskaya Complexes (MVKOC) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№03. -С. 73-77 |