Shishmareva A. V. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Krasnoyarsk))
Moiseeva E. E. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Krasnoyarsk))
Today, Foresight is used as a system tool to influence the shaping of the future, allowing to take into account possible changes in all spheres of public activity. The methodological framework used in Forsyte must be adapted to meet specific objectives, taking into account available resources and opportunities.
For the effective application of Foresight technology in the strategic planning of the timber industry complex, a combination of several methods, harmoniously complementing each other and taking into account the specifics of the timber industry, is necessary. In this article, a variant of an effective combination of Forsyte methodologies with reference to the forestry complex of Russia was proposed with a view to implementing the priority areas of the Forestry Development Strategy until 2030.
Keywords:Forecasting, strategic planning, Foresight, Foresight methods, roadmap, Delphi method, timber complex, development strategy, model of Foresight research.
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Citation link: Shishmareva A. V., Moiseeva E. E. Methodology for Forsight-research in the forest-industrial complex and methods of their combination // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№09. -С. 33-38 |