Tishkina Tatiana Mikhailovna (Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, FSBEI "Moscow state University N. P. Ogareva»)
An important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the process of strategic planning for the development of a municipal formation is the monitoring. However, at present, none of the levels of management of this activity is carried out continuously, efficiently and effectively. The article proposes and justifies the monitoring of the implementation of strategic planning documents at the municipal level, the management of this process, and approaches to its implementation.
Keywords:monitoring, strategic planning, indicators, municipal formation, strategic planning documents.
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Citation link: Tishkina T. M. Organization of monitoring system of municipal strategic planning // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№10. -С. 47-51 |