Djoldosheva Dinara Sabatbekovna (PHD in economics, Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University after Elchin B.N.)
This article justifies the scientific thesis on definition of «epidemiological dividend». It set out the development of demographic transition, epidemiologic transition, and demographic dividend shortly. The definition of epidemiologic dividend means economic benefits from high to low cardiovascular mortality rate among working age population. Prevention of the premature cardiovascular death can increase a working age/dependents ratio, which creates demographic dividend. Besides the definition of «epidemiologic dividend» is more attractive and understandable to policy makers who define a priorities on financing of all sectors including health. More financial and human resources are crucial for developing countries, which have double or triple burden of diseases.
Keywords:demographic transition, epidemiologic transition, demographic dividend, epidemiologic dividend
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Citation link: Djoldosheva D. S. Justification of the scientific thesis on the epidemiological dividend // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№12. -С. 16-20 |