Astremsky A. D. (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Russian University of transport (MIIT))
The article analyzes the socio-economic and legal basis for the development of the issue of equalization of differences in the level of development of the country's regions. The characteristic of the main stages of development of policy documents on the spatial development of the Russian Federation is given. The paper analyzes the debatable issues of determining the targets of the spatial development strategy of the Russian Federation.
Keywords:regional development, regional policy, federalism, inter-budgetary relations, local self-government, priority territories, agglomerations, clusters, transport corridors.
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Citation link: Astremsky A. D. Socio-economic and legal framework of the spatial development strategy of the Russian Federation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№04. -С. 5-8 |