Karpov Oleg V. (senior lecturer, Vladimir branch of RANEPA, Vladimir)
Lukashina Angelina E. (Vladimir Branch of RANEPA, Vladimir)
this article explores such an administrative-legal category as insignificance, which provides the possibility of exemption from legal liability of persons who have committed administrative offenses. This circumstance is dictated by the lack of perfect legal regulation of this concept at the legislative level. The authors considered the interpretation by courts of the Russian Federation of the concept of insignificance, the article analyses the judicial practice in the application of article 2.9. Administrative code, attention is drawn to the experience of neighboring countries in the definition of insignificance of a perfect offence, and also examined the positions of the scientific community in this field. The concept of insignificance and its corresponding features have been developed, according to which it is possible for the law enforcement officer to classify the offense as insignificant.
Keywords:insignificance; administrative offense; the person who committed the offense; administrative responsibility; administrative punishment; oral comment; sanction; administrative jurisdiction bodies.
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Citation link: Karpov O. V., Lukashina A. E. Analysis of insignificance in the manufacture on affairs about administrative offences // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№06. -С. 138-142 DOI 10.37882/2223–2974.2020.06.16 |