Romashkina Olga Petrovna (Associated Professor, Moscow State Linguistic University)
Krasnozhenova Galina Feodorovna ( Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Moscow State Linguistic University)
Current state of hotel business and profitable hotel anti-crisis management is a subject of current research. COVID pandemic’s influence on touristic influence and hotel industry income is being analyzed. International touristic flows as a hospitality enterprise income factor is provided. Anti-crisis methods of hotel’s income management including pandemic period pricing strategy choice is being examined. Practical recommendations for hotel enterprises on dynamic tariffs use, scientifically based room management, sales & marketing, operational process change and multiple income sources optimization are provided. Research methodology: international statistics, scientific sources and hotel industry practice analysis to create value proposition for independent hotel enterprises during COVID pandemic. Actual ways and modern strategies for hotel income increase strategy are provided in this research. Outcomes on hotel’s higher crisis resistance, significant capitalization increase during pandemic followed by its competitiveness grow in a highly aggressive environment are bein provided.
Keywords:hotel business, income management, hotel enterprise, crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, anti-crisis management, pricing policy, pricing strategies, dynamic tariffs, customer service innovations.
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Citation link: Romashkina O. P., Krasnozhenova G. F. Hotel business and income management during the COVID pandemic crysis // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№12. -С. 99-104 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2020.12.29 |