Androsova Irina Vladimirovna (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, South-Western state University (Kursk))
Polozhentseva Yulia Sergeevna (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, South-Western state University (Kursk))
The modern period of development is characterized by the presence of acute social problems, which require a comprehensive interaction of available resources and opportunities in the face of the state, business and society in the form of social partnership. The article describes an approach to the formation of a system model of social partnership based on the cooperation of authorities, target groups of the population and social entrepreneurship. The study provides digital data on the territorial distribution of social enterprises and their types of activity; examples of successfully functioning social behavioral structures are given. The authors propose a system model of social partnership, the main participant of which is socially oriented business structures. Social partnership will open up new opportunities for socio - economic development: improving the quality of life of the population; assistance to socially vulnerable groups of society; financing socially significant projects.
Keywords:social entrepreneurship; social partnership; region; system model; target population groups.
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Citation link: Androsova I. V., Polozhentseva Y. S. Development of social entrepreneurship on the basis of formation of a system model of social partnership // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№12. -С. 17-21 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2020.12.03 |