Kuznetsova Natalia Aleksandrovna (senior lecturer, Vladimir law Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia)
Matveeva Tamara Pavlovna (senior lecturer, Vladimir law Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia)
the authors of the article analyzed the measures of state support and assistance during the coronacrisis in certain European countries: Italy, Germany, Great Britain. The authors analyze the policy of states to take anti-crisis measures and support the population and economy. The conclusions reached by the authors of the article show that the same problems that have befallen each state are solved differently by countries, but they are all aimed at fighting the coronavirus.
Keywords:state support, legal policy, social protection, anti-crisis measures, pandemic, coronavirus, government assistance.
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Citation link: Kuznetsova N. A., Matveeva T. P. On the issue of measures of state support for the population and business in some foreign countries during the pandemic // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№02. -С. 74-77 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.02.10 |