Gavrikov A. V. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)
The article discusses the main essential differences in the perception of the category "money" and monetary behavior among entrepreneurs and employees. Methodologically, the study was of a correlational nature, relied on comparative and personal approaches, combined survey and semi-projective methods. The participants of the study were divided into two groups: one of which was determined by ordinary employees and employees whose labor activity was not related to the performance of an entrepreneurial function and who had a linear cash income, the participants of the second group were entrepreneurs, small business sectors in the field of construction, trade, services. In this article, data on the identified correlations are provided selectively due to the limitations of the publication format. The study made it possible to identify differences between entrepreneurs and employees in relation to money and monetary behavior, as well as to identify and evaluate the strength of the relationship between the attitude to money and the psychological well-being of the individual, using the example of two groups of subjects - entrepreneurs and employees. The results of the study can be used both in practice during career guidance counseling and in conducting training sessions for entrepreneurs and employees in the field of active sales.
Keywords:psychology of entrepreneurship, psychology of money, financial behavior, motivations of entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, SME.
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Citation link: Gavrikov A. V. Money attitude as a factor of psychological well-being (on the example of entrepreneurs and employees) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2022. -№11. -С. 36-44 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2022.11.08 |