Palyulin Anton Yurievich (Postgraduate student at the Department of Fundamental Legal, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" (Moscow))
Within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm, the issue of interaction between the state, civil society and political party systems becomes relevant. In this context, the study of the processes of formation and functioning of systems as a set of elements with properties that exceed their simple totality plays a key role in understanding the current state of civil society. In particular, identifying the reasons for the emergence and decline of political parties is an important factor for developing effective legal measures to support civil society. In his article, the author, in the context of the theory of the state of law, proposes to explore the relationships between the state, civil society and party systems.
Keywords:functional approach, structural approach, structural-institutional approach, party system, political party
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Citation link: Palyulin A. Y. THE SYSTEM OF POLITICAL PARTIES AS AN ELEMENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY: DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN COMPARATIVE LAW // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2024. -№07. -С. 121-124 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2024.07.20 |