Mathematical physics
Friction and wear in cars
Information and measuring and control systems (by industry)
Methods and systems of information security, information security
Earth sciences
Assessment of the possible geological storage of CO2 in the sediments of DonbassOsetrov V. V., (GRGP “Donetskgeologiya”, Donetsk, Ukraine, geologist) Shestavin N. S., (Ph.D., Leading Scientist, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine) Yurchenko V. V., (graduate student, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine)
P. 43-49 |
Drilling and development technology
Investigation filtrational and capacitive properties of peanSemihin V. I., (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of
Tyumen State University) Mogilnyi E. A., (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of
Tyumen State University) Malyugin R. V., (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of
Tyumen State University)
P. 50-54 |
Physics of the atmosphere and hydrosphere