Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children-orphans with intellectual disabilitiesBijeva A. P., (candidate of philosophical sciences
Kabardino-Balkarian state University named after H. M. Berbekov
) Zheligotova R. M., (candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer of the Kabardino-Balkarian state University named after H. M. Berbekov) Atabieva Z. A., (candidate of sociological sciences, associate Professor of the Kabardino-Balkarian state University named after H. M. Berbekov)
P. 43-45 |
Information technology in educationKalishchuk S. A., (candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Military Academy of strategic Missile forces named after Peter the Great)
P. 63-66 |
Pedagogical conditions of interaction of institutions of additional education of children with higher educational institutionsPalatkina G. V., (doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of department of social pedagogics and psychology FSBEI HE "Astrakhan state university, Russia, Astrakhan) Gutman V. A., (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of social pedagogics and psychology FSBEI HE "Astrakhan state university, Russia, Astrakhan) Konnovа N. M., (candidate of pedagogical sciences associate professor of social pedagogics and psychology FSBEI HE "Astrakhan state university, Russia, Astrakhan) Fiterman R. A., (candidate of pedagogical sciences associate professor of social pedagogics and psychology FSBEI HE "Astrakhan state university, Russia, Astrakhan)
P. 75-78 |