Chukueva Zarema Nazhmutdinovna (candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor, Chechen state pedagogical University)
in this article questions of the genre classification of the documentary principle in artistic prose are considered. Essay is the most active documentary and artistic category. This kind of prose of the Soviet era was exactly the fusion of documentary and artistic fiction and journalism. The strength and importance of journalism increased significantly during the war. This tendency allows us to say that confession is another important type of documentary-artistic types of narration. And, at the same time, the third type of documentary and fiction prose, which we designate as an independent branch is an essay. It is regarded as an animated-mental form of the narrative as well as other texts of the journalistic style (sketches, portraits, compositions, etc.).
Keywords:genre classification, confession, essay, portrait, sketches, memoir prose.
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Citation link: Chukueva Z. N. Genre classification and structure of documentary origin in prose // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№06. -С. 160-164 |