Bamatgireevа Medina Vakhaevna (candidate of philology, associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Chechen state pedagogical University")
This article deals with the General scientific concept of the concepts "term" and "term system". The author presents the different views of scientists on the nature of the term, as well as the basic theoretical and practical approaches to the study of term systems. The extralinguistic factors are caused by the need for linguistic expression of" terminable " concepts, and linguistic factors, in turn, are associated with a variety of conceptual relationships (which are transmitted by terminological combinations) and with the possibility of combining of different components into word combinations.
Keywords:system, term, terminology, term system, historical, semantic, "formal" characteristics of terms.
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Citation link: Bamatgireevа M. V. The role of extralinguistic and linguistic factors in the formation of the term system // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№08. -С. 93-95 |