Vaganova Aynisa ( the Taganrog Institute named by Anton Chekhov (branch of the University) RSUE)
The role of the concept of “movement” in the literary system of V.G. Korolenko’s story “The river plays” is considered in this article. The use of words, related to the idea of movement and having various lexical semantics and grammatical properties, in the text is analyzed. A contextual interaction of these words is characterized. The role of language means with the semantics of movement in the creation of speech representativeness, in the formation of a psychological characterization of characters and in the expression of conceptual information is revealed.
Keywords:concept, language picture of the world, verbs of movement, contextual interaction, nominative field, direct meaning, figurative meaning.
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Citation link: Vaganova A. The language means expressing movement in V.G. Korolenko’s story “The river plays” // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№10. -С. 91-95 |