Potapova Olga Evgenievna (Associate Professor of the English Language Navigation and Communication Chair Admiral S.O. Makarov)
The article deals with main methods of classification and systematization of lexical units which are included in the lexical-semantic field on the basis of some dictionaries as well as the classification on the basis of analysis of lexical units obtained as a result of selection from literature artworks of XX century. The article also highlights general peculiarities of nominative usage of terms which are included in the lexical-semantic field in literature artworks as well as stylistic methods used for creation of art images.
Keywords:lexical-semantic field, lexical units, classification, selection, category, nominative function.
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Citation link: Potapova O. E. Main peculiarities of systematization and nominative usage of lexical units (on the material of lexical-semantic field “Sea”) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№10. -С. 157-159 |