Karnyushina Vera Veniaminovna (candidate of philology BU VO «Surgut state pedagogical university»)
The article is a theoretical review of the problem of the concepts “cliché” and “stamp” differentiation. The survey’s aim was to identify the notions characteristics and to define their function in speech. The article presents an analysis of the existing key notions in order to determine the place of clichés among other communicative units and the identification of clichés with deixis. The material for the study were literary texts, film texts, television shows, media. As a result, the author provides an interpretation of the concept, identifies the main features.
Keywords:cliché, cliché functions, speech stamp, deixis.
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Citation link: Karnyushina V. V. Communicative functions of etiquette clichés, speech stamps, stereotypes and conversational formulas: on the question of the notions delimitation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12. -С. 151-157 |