Tarasova Olesya Nikolayevna (PhD in Philology, Associate Prof, Ivanovo State Polytechnical University)
The article focuses on the analysis of the opening statements of the participants of British teledebates. The most common speech acts, used in different tactics of the strategy of self-presentation have been discovered. Not only verbal part of communication, its lexical and grammatical aspects, but also nonverbal components of communication, used by the speaker have been analyzed. Comprehensive analysis of all means of communication used by the speaker for effective communication is carried out.
Keywords:Speech act, speech strategies, speech tactics, political discourse, recipient, intention, illocutionary acts.
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Citation link: Tarasova O. N. Speech acts in the strategy of self-presentation in British political discourse // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№06. -С. 162-166 |