Mikaberidze Ilya Alexandrovich (PhD, senior lecturer, Essentuki Branch «Stavropol state pedagogical Institute» )
Tyagunova Janna Anatolievna (PhD, associate professor, Essentuki Branch «Stavropol state pedagogical Institute» )
The article analyzes non-verbal language, in particular, the emblems of Russian-speaking communicants in Israel, depending on age, time spent in Israel, the environment of communication. Definition of emblems, their role in the course of communication and feature of a variety of emblems in the Jewish culture of language is given. The assumption of maintaining nonverbal bilingualism in the future in connection with preservation in the country of nonverbal contradictions is made.
Keywords:repatriates; Russian; Hebrew; emblems; non-verbal language.
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Citation link: Mikaberidze I. A., Tyagunova J. A. About nonberbal language of Russian-language repatrients in Israel // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№06. -С. 148-152 |