The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of beauty, verbalized in the German language consciousness. The objective of the article is to identify the principles of verbalization of the concept of beauty in the German language - on the aesthetic and linguistic-cultural levels, on the basis of their modern world perception, as well as on the historically formed value-evaluation tradition. A study of the reflection of the concept of beauty in the German language consciousness - at the aesthetic and cultural level. It is revealed that the full-fledged verbal expression of the concept of beauty is achieved in the compatibility of external, aesthetic beauty - on the one hand, and the internal, spiritual and moral beauty of a person - on the other. Analysis of German language thinking, verbal expression of visual, auditory and sensual-emotional perception of beauty revealed features of the reflection and realization of this concept associated with the specificity of the historical and cultural development of the German ethnic group, as well as with the national mentality formed as a result of this development. The article shows that although the concept of beauty in its fundamental principles is universal for all nations, however, its verbal expression in the linguistic consciousness of each of the peoples has its own specifics and its own distinctive approach to choosing lexical-semantic options for expressing this concept, associated with the preferences of the estimated aesthetic definition and moral aspects of the concept of beauty. Evaluation criteria, as well as the value scale in the sphere of culture and aesthetics as a whole, are the result of the historical formation of a national identity reflected in the language, literature, and culture of each of the peoples.
Keywords:beauty, linguistic consciousness, verbalization, linguistic expression of aesthetic beauty, perception of beauty, ontological foundations of beauty, linguocultural level, lexical-semantic aspect.