Kurchenkova M. (Volgograd State University)
This article analyzes various ways of depiction of the most important sport events having taken place in Russia on the material of European and Russian media. The author considers the basic principles of journalism. The material of the article allows following the sequence of submission of news materials, their features, distribution of accents in the texts of news notes and news programs. The analysis of the main factors of similarities and differences in the Russian and European media describing the Winter Olympiad and the Football Championship carried out in this article.
Keywords:news article, news program, global news, European media, Russian media.
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Citation link: Kurchenkova M. The reflection of sport events in the news articles of European media // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№01. -С. 141-145 |