Balashova Natalia Pavlovna (Cand. filol., associate Professor, NFI KemSU)
Kochetova Olesya Anatol'evna (Cand. filol., associate Professor, NFI KemSU)
Stylistics of language is a branch of linguistics focused on the study of speech styles, stylistic devices and expressive means of language in their relation to the expressed content. Lexical means of description are very diverse, their use is possible not only in artistic speech, elements of figurative speech can be used in almost all functional styles.
The aim is to classify and analyze the lexical means of description in the English-language series "Big school" and "Bad study". The following research methods were used: analysis of theoretical literature on the subject of research, classification, continuous sampling and statistical analysis. As a result of research in scripts of series "Big school" and "Bad study" various lexical means of the description of system of education were revealed, selection of the most used lexicon in the sphere of education was carried out.
Keywords:lexical means of description, epithet, metaphor, hyperbole, litotes, comparison, irony, periphrasis
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Citation link: Balashova N. P., Kochetova O. A. Lexical means of describing the education system on the example of the TV series “Big school” and “Bad study” // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№10. -С. 115-121 |