Korol Elena Vitalievna (Candidate of linguistic sciences, assistant professor, Surgut State University)
Yacovets Tatiana Yacovlevna (Candidate of education sciences, assistant professor, Surgut State University)
The present paper is devoted to linguistic investigation of terminological lexis within fasion and design industry in the Russian, English and French languages. The article observes various means of replenishing and building up terminological word-stock on the basis of etymological, lexical-grammatical and semantic analyses. The authors determine the leading ways of borrowings in the named lexical sphere. The research was undertaken by the lexical corpus extracted from lexicographical sources and advertising texts by continuous sampling method. Consequently, the authors state that the terminological word-stock in the fashion industry is being renewed by means of English borrowings to Russian and French.
Keywords:a term, terminology, terminological system, fashion language, etymology, borrowings, lexical-grammatical analysis, structural-semantic analysis
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Citation link: Korol E. V., Yacovets T. Y. Etymological and Lexical-Semantic Analysis of Fashion Terminological System // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№10. -С. 142-148 |