Reprintseva Natalia Igorevna (candidate of Philological science, assistant professor, Federal Budget State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kamchatka State Technical University”)
In the specialized literature, the specific features of terms, such as the presence of a definition, a close relationship with the concept, the tendency to monosemicity within the field, the lack of expression, stylistic neutrality, are studied in sufficient detail.
This article deals with the development of new terminology for students of certain specialties.
The English-Russian dictionary for students of specialty 151000.62 "Technological machines and equipment", 260601.65 "Machines and devices of food production" Specialization: "Equipment of enterprises of meat, fish and dairy industry" full-time and correspondence forms of education, which includes new terminological vocabulary necessary for students for everyday and professional communication, is presented as the analyzed manual.
Keywords:terminological vocabulary, structure, directions of training, subsystems, food production
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Citation link: Reprintseva N. I. The development of new terminology for students majoring 260601.65 “Machines and equipment for food production” and students 151000.62 direction of training “Technological machines and equipment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№02. -С. 76-81 |