Pytko Ekaterina Petrovna (Teacher of physical culture, Sports school of the Olympic reserve No. 3, Petrozavodsk; State educational institution of higher education "Karelian state pedagogical University»)
The article discusses the development of modern trends in sports training for swimmers in winter swimming. The author focuses on the features of the resource approach, which identifies the personal potential of awareness of the athlete’s own psychological, physical and psychophysiological resources. The article emphasizes the specific cumulative nature of winter swimming as a sport, combining swimming as a type of movement, combat types that essentially overcome difficulties and obstacles, as well as the ability to aerobic endurance manifested in extreme temperature conditions. The article presents the specific aspects of the basics of sports training in winter swimming.
Keywords:winter swimming, training features, cumulative effect, high level of health, personal resource potential.
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Citation link: Pytko E. P. Modern trends for the development of the basis of sports training of swimmers // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 96-98 |