Rybakova Lyudmila Viktorovna (associate Professor, Moscow aviation Institute)
Neverova Natalia Viktorovna (associate Professor, Moscow aviation Institute)
Belyakova Violetta Vladimirovna (senior lecturer, Moscow aviation Institute )
Fedotova Lyudmila Alekseevna (senior lecturer, Moscow aviation Institute)
The provisions of this article determined that the training of future university specialists is impossible without improving language education and its professional support, taking into account health-saving technology. Consequently, the use of a wide range of innovative teaching a foreign language to students to improve the process of forming global competencies of graduates in a multicultural environment is gaining relevance: the use of mobile phones in listening, cultivating goodwill, respectful and fair attitude, tact, and the use of innovative teaching methods (including web - technology), compliance with hygiene standards when scheduling, daily routine - is important ie components of prevention of disorders in the health of students and teachers. The authors give alarming statistics in the article: problems are posed and their solutions are given; a review of the work of scientists and teachers aimed at effective and health-saving training of a professionally oriented foreign language is made.
Keywords:health-saving technology, analytical-synthetic process, psychological fatigue, subjective factor, life activity, mental-mnemonic activity, instrumental-technological, need-motivational components.
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Citation link: Rybakova L. V., Neverova N. V., Belyakova V. V., Fedotova L. A. The place and role of health-saving technologies in teaching a professionally-oriented foreign language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 105-108 |