Lopatina Elena Valentinovna (Cand. Philol., associate Professor, Ufa State Oil University Technical University)
The article discusses the features of working with artistic movies in the classroom for English language students at the University. The main factors that should be considered when preparing tasks for such films are highlighted. Examples of tasks and exercises for fixing the studied lexical material are given, presented in a particular movie. The article also contains recommendations for teaching country-specific material that is found in dialogs heroes of various stories. The direction of further work is indicated the author is working on drawing up a manual and guidelines for feature films in English.
Keywords:optimization of the learning process; types of communication activities; the principle of visual and auditory clarity; speaking skills; skills of perception of foreign language speech by ear; viewing and discussing the film; country studies material; photographs and illustrations; writing an essay; control work; foreign language communicative competence.
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Citation link: Lopatina E. V. Using a feature film “The devil wears prada” (“The devil wears Prada») in english classes at the university // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 69-73 |