Vorob'ev Aleksandr Sergeevich (Lawyer, post-graduate student, Russian state University of justice (RPA of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation), Moscow)
The article uses legal analysis to define the concept of advocacy as intermediary qualified legal assistance, the main purpose of which is to achieve judicial protection of the attorney's clients. The insufficient level of research on the right to qualified legal assistance has led to the fact that there are disputes in the scientific and educational literature about the definition of this constitutional right due to the vagueness of the criteria for the proposed definitions. In practice, legal assistance may be provided by non-lawyers in proceedings before magistrates and district courts in civil cases. The article offers criteria for distinguishing legal aid from qualified legal aid, and by legally fixing the concept of qualified legal aid, the solution to the problem of the lack of this concept is justified.
Keywords:legal practice, lawyer, qualified legal assistance
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Citation link: Vorob'ev A. S. The problem of defining the concept of advocacy as a form of qualified legal assistance // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№06. -С. 15-17 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.06.08 |