The article is devoted to the effective use of interactive technologies in teaching geography and a foreign language at school. The main task of the author is to show the importance of interactive technologies in the formation of research and project skills, organization of reflection, communication, which determines the competence of a modern student. Examples of the introduction of interactive learning in the educational process, in particular in geography and foreign language classes, are presented. In the process of the research, methods of generalization, analytical and synthetic activity, and modeling were used. The authors note that the preparation and conduct of lessons using innovative technologies and methods requires certain skills and training of the teacher, the ability to work with students in non-standard conditions and situations.
The article shows the importance of interactive learning in increasing cognitive activity and educational interest, activating search activity, and striving for practical actions, as a result of which learning becomes more conscious and purposeful.
Keywords:education, pedagogy, geography lessons, foreign language lessons, interactive, technology, learning, cognitive activity, communication, independence, interaction, motivation, efficiency, students, reflection.