Efremova Ekaterina Mihailovna (Phd in Philology, Associate Professor, Moscow Pedagogical State University)
Efremova Marina Vladimirovna (Phd in Education, Associate Professor, Moscow Pedagogical State University
The present article is devoted to the problem of teaching French as a second foreign language to university students learning English as a first foreign language. Special attention is paid to teaching French vocabulary. The author of the article suggests to organise second foreign language classes on the basis of the general methodological principles: the principle of differentiated approach in teaching; the principle of setting concrete targets; the principle of the supervision of the educational process; the principle of the complex approach to motivation in teaching foreign language. General methodological principles are regarded as standing rules of teaching foreign languages, lexical aspect of the language in particular. The author of the article identifies the main difficulties that Russian-speaking students face in mastering vocabulary in a context of trilingualism and suggests how to overcome them. The article includes samples of tasks aimed at developing lexical habits.
Keywords:second foreign language, trilingualism, general methodological principles, teaching vocabulary, lexical habit.
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Citation link: Efremova E. M., Efremova M. V. Basic principles of teaching French vocabulary as a second foreign language to university students learning English as a first foreign language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№12. -С. 60-63 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.12.11 |