Shuvalova Lilia Sergeevna (Post-graduate student, Federal state budgetary institution "Federal scientific center of physical culture and sport" (Federal state institution Federal scientific center INSTITUTE), Moscow)
The purpose of this study was to update and form statistically significant indicators that characterize the physical development of a child aged 7-10 years who is engaged in sports training in the sport of rhythmic gymnastics. The research methods used are anthropometry (measurement and recording of total body size), indices of physical development (Brugsch Index, Bouchard Index, Verveck Index, Rohrer Index), methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the study included data on the growth rate of physical development indicators during the calendar year in girls aged 7-10 years. Statistically significant patterns were revealed. Features of physical development of girls of 7-10 years are caused by the inclusion of children in the system of sports training. The dynamics of changes can be most clearly assessed by the growth rate of development indicators, as well as by using the results of calculations of biological development indices.
Keywords:physical development, rhythmic gymnastics, primary school age, body length, weight, chest circumference.
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Citation link: Shuvalova L. S. Dynamics of physical development indicators in girls aged 7-10 years in rhythmic gymnastics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№02. -С. 129-134 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.02.39 |