Gubanova Natalia Nikolaevna (deputy director for educational work, Municipal budgetary educational institution Kiselevsk "Secondary school №. 30", Kemerovo region-Kuzbass, Kiselevsk)
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher. The article identifies the requirements of normative and legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the analytical and evaluation activities of pedagogical workers. Special attention is paid to the definition of the functions and components of the analytical and evaluation activity of the teacher. As a research task, the authors tried to assess the degree of teachers ' understanding of the role of analytical and evaluation activities in improving the quality of education, to determine the level of readiness of teachers to develop analytical and evaluation activities. The article formulates the concept of "analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher", presents the views of researchers on the subject of the essence of the phenomenon of analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher, identifies possible ways of developing analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher, which consist in the development and implementation of an additional professional program to improve the quality of teaching staff in the workplace "Fundamentals of analytical and evaluative activity of a teacher in the context of modernization of education"
Keywords:quality of education; evaluation activity; analytical activity; analytical and evaluation activity of the teacher.
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Citation link: Gubanova N. N. Analytical and evaluation activity of the teacher as a phenomenon of modern education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№04. -С. 42-47 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.04.12 |