Velikorodnykh Ksenia Pavlovna (Senior Lecturer, Tyumen State University )
Sheshukova Ekaterina Ivanovna (Assistant, Tyumen State University )
The article discusses the definition of design thinking, the scope of its application. The significance of this phenomenon is determined as an important factor in the thinking of a modern university graduate and specialist.
The main differences between design thinking and analytical thinking are identified. The question of the emergence of individual educational trajectories and their influence on the formation of the skills of graduates in demand, including design thinking, are studied. The authors investigate the possibilities of a modern university for the formation of design thinking. The main stages of the implementation of this phenomenon are described. Examples of practical tasks at each of the stages are given, topics that were formulated by students in the process of working with design thinking. In the process of analyzing the learning process, the authors identified the main difficulties faced by students, and proposed ways to solve them. The main features of design thinking are determined. The significance of the results of design thinking in various fields of activity is indicated.
Keywords:design thinking, individual educational trajectories, project thinking, prototyping, convergent thinking
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Citation link: Velikorodnykh K. P., Sheshukova E. I. Formation of design thinking in university students within the framework of the implementation of individual educational trajectories // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№05. -С. 55-59 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.05.06 |