The subject of the study is the media image of Europe in American media. The goal of the work is to determine the features of the image of Europe in electronic versions of the leading periodicals of the United States, as well as to identify and analyze language means, actualizing the image of Europe in the US media. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made: 1) the dominant topics are the following: "Economic Condition of Europe", where the leading place is given to the image of Europe, experiencing an economic crisis; "Internal European Problems" to which American journalists include a migration crisis, identity crisis, demographic crisis, disunity of European countries; "Relations with the United States", where Europe appears in the form of both the enemy and the ally of the United States; 2) To create a media image of Europe in the American media, the authors of the articles use various language means: stylistic techniques and intertextual inclusions (epithets, metaphors, allyusses, precedent names), emotive vocabulary, rhetorical questions; 3) The authors of publications form a negative image of Europe, as the media is focused mainly on negative signs of Europe.
Keywords:media image of Europe, American media, language means, topicalization