Fysina Ulyana Nikolaevna (candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Russian State University of Justice)
Rumyantseva Olga Olegovna (Сandidate of Art Criticism, Associate professor, Russian State University of Justice)
The article is devoted to the morphological and lexical-stylistic analysis of adjectival declension nouns – substantive nouns used in modern Russian for naming individual monetary payments. The purpose of the study is to consider the stylistic functioning of substantiates in the history of language, to describe their morphological characteristics, to trace the dynamics of the use of the word-formation model in modern discourse in comparison with the results of earlier studies. The work is based on the basic theoretical positions of linguists of the XX century, as well as new research undertaken by modern authors. The scientific novelty consists in the description of the semantic and morphological features of the occasional and potential words of the lexico-semantic group under consideration. As a result of comparing the features of outdated words and actual language material, it is concluded that the studied lexemes are potential and contain the meaning of a socio-cultural component, characterizing the dynamics of the development of the language system.
Keywords:Substantiation, ellipsis, lexico-semantic group, morphological features, monetary payments, nomination, reference, discourse, stylistics.
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Citation link: Fysina U. N., Rumyantseva O. O. Morphological and lexical-stylistic features of some names of monetary payments in the modern Russian language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№07. -С. 220-224 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.07.38 |