Melnik Natalya (Candidate of Philosophy; associate professor, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg )
Purgina Elena (Candidate of Philosophy; associate professor, Ural Institute of the EMERCOM of Russia, Ekaterinburg)
The article discusses theoretical problems of environmental education in the light of sustainable development and the reasons for further transformation of environmental education’s goals. Environmental culture is considered to be the most promising target of environmental education. A special emphasis is made on the system of environmental values, which lies at the core of environmental culture. To realize the goals of environmental education most effectively it is necessary to clarify the environmental component in the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic Secondary Education and to develop adequate pedagogical methods and techniques within the framework of system-activity and cultural-historical approaches.
Keywords:environmental values, environmental culture, environmental education, education for sustainable development
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Citation link: Melnik N. , Purgina E. Environmental values as a basis of environmental education for sustainable development // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№09. -С. 74-78 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.09.17 |