Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna (Director, Municipal state Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9 of the city of Ashi, Chelyabinsk region (with vocational training)")
Belokopytova Natalia Vladimirovna (Deputy Director for Vocational Training, Municipal State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9 of the city of Ashi, Chelyabinsk region (with vocational training)")
Lutkova Alyona Mikhailovna (teacher-psychologist, Municipal state Educational Institution "Secondary school No. 9 of the city of Ashi, Chelyabinsk region (with vocational training)")
The article describes the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the organization of vocational training of high school students within the framework of the development of the basic general education program of secondary general education, based on the experience of a general education organization. The relevance of the stated topic reflects the innovative activity of a general education organization in the context of the implementation of the basic educational program of secondary general education, integrated with the basic program of vocational training in the profession of a worker / position of an employee. The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate and provide work experience on the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the organization of vocational training of high school students at the level of secondary general education. In the study, the materials reflect the innovative activity of a general education organization in the context of the implementation of the basic educational program of secondary general education, integrated with the basic program of vocational training in the profession of a worker / position of an employee. The methods of theoretical analysis, concretization, generalization, synthesis, deduction, modeling are used. The authors describe the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of secondary general education, integrated with the basic program of vocational training in the profession of a worker /position of an employee, which will allow educational organizations to design and implement basic educational programs taking into account regional specifics and the specifics of the educational organization, the characteristics of the contingent of students in full compliance with federal state educational standards of general education. The article characterizes the description of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the organization of vocational training of high school students within the framework of the development of the basic general education program of secondary general education, based on the experience of a general education organization. The presented model of the regional basic educational program of secondary general education reveals the technology of designing basic educational programs in general education organizations, taking into account: a) the peculiarities of the region; b) the content of the concepts of modernization of subject areas (information technology, chemistry); c) the specifics of the educational organization (secondary school with vocational training). The work experience of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 9 of Ashi (with professional training" is presented. In it, training is carried out only according to professional training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees. In conclusion, the possibilities of applying the selected organizational and pedagogical conditions for the organization of educational practice in the design and implementation by educational institutions of secondary general education of the main professional educational programs for the training of workers / positions of employees in the development of educational and production programs are substantiated and presented.
Keywords:vocational training, vocational training, organizational and pedagogical conditions, individual educational trajectory.
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Citation link: Kovalenko S. N., Belokopytova N. V., Lutkova A. M. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the organization of vocational training of high school students at the level of secondary general education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№11. -С. 79-85 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.11.13 |