Ryabova N. V. (Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Yevseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, Saransk)
Zurnina S. S. (Yevseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, Saransk)
This article examines the role of extracurricular activities in the development of communicative universal educational actions in primary school children. The possibilities of the extracurricular environment for improving the communicative competencies of children are analyzed. The article describes a program implemented within the framework of the extracurricular system, aimed at developing the communication skills of primary schoolchildren in three main areas: communication as interaction, communication as cooperation and communication as a condition for interiorization.
Keywords:extracurricular activities, children of primary school age, communicative universal educational actions, the formation of communicative universal educational actions.
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Citation link: Ryabova N. V., Zurnina S. S. Formation of communicative universal educational actions in children of primary school age in out-of-lesson activities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№12. -С. 83-86 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.12.26 |