Korneeva O. D. (Postgraduate Student, Moscow Region State University)
The article is devoted to the consideration of the marketing approach in the preparation of a future teacher. A theoretical study was conducted aimed at revealing the specifics of marketing in education from different sides: from the position of managing an educational institution and from the side of marketing and its importance in pedagogical activity. It is concluded that the teacher's marketing activities will allow him to work effectively in the educational services market, and will also affect the quality of education in an educational organization.
Keywords:marketing, marketing in education, educational institution, educational services, marketing approach, marketing activity of a teacher education market, market of educational services.
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Citation link: Korneeva O. D. Marketing approach and its use in training a future teacher // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№07. -С. 47-53 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.07.16 |