Ignatova Evgenia Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, MGIMO University (Moscow))
Pivovarova Elena Vyacheslavovna (Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, MGIMO University (Moscow))
Sanzharova Irina Eduardovna (Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Linguistic University (Moscow))
This article postulates, due to the current foreign policy situation, the need to integrate elements of patriotic education into the process of teaching German-Russian translation to future specialists in the field of international relations. The principle of a critical approach to the source text is especially emphasized, the result of which should be a translation adapted to the needs and value system of the recipients, as well as not entering into dissonance with their cultural, historical self-consciousness and linguistic world view. Analyzing the rhetoric, as well as the functional and stylistic features of the political and mass media discourses in Germany, the authors argue the expediency of implementing specially developed unique translation strategies towards anti-Russian content. The role and task of the translator is determined, at the same time, by the attitudes and expectations of the target audience. The article presents fact-based material that clearly illustrates the stereotypical and unfriendly communication methods of the German media, and describes the didactic methods of their semantic neutralization.
Keywords:patriotic education, competence of civic consciousness, political and media discourse, anti-Russian rhetoric, linguistic world view, translation strategies.
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Citation link: Ignatova E. M., Pivovarova E. V., Sanzharova I. E. Aspects of patriotic education in teaching translation to international relations students (based on the texts of the political and media discourse of Germany) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№08. -С. 46-50 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.08.12 |