Kutepova Liudmila Mikhailovna (PhD, assistant professor, Institute of Sea and River Fleet named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyatayeva – Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport)
Harisova Nuraniya Rinatovna (PhD, assistant professor, Institute of Sea and River Fleet named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyatayeva – Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport)
Timerbulatova I. (PhD, assistant professor, Institute of Sea and River Fleet named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyatayeva – Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport)
Ignatieva M. (PhD, assistant professor, Institute of Sea and River Fleet named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyatayeva – Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport)
The article studies the teaching methods used by the teaching staff of the Institute of Sea and River Fleet named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyatayeva – Kazan branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport (ISRF). Based on the analysis of the results of the study, the main teaching methods used in the educational process of the ISRF were selected, which can be formalized. To formalize the selected methods, structural models were developed and, based on them, algorithms for managing the educational process, which can be used to organize distance education at a university.
Keywords:teaching methods, distance education, distance learning system, structural model of the teaching method, learning process management algorithm.
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Citation link: Kutepova L. M., Harisova N. R., Timerbulatova I. , Ignatieva M. Selection and formalization of teaching methods for the organization of distance education in higher educational institutions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№10. -С. 74-80 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.10.15 |