Erokhina Alena A. (speech therapist teacher, Shuisky correctional boarding school;
senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education,
Shuisky branch of Ivanovo State University,
Morugina Valeria V. (Candidate of Pedagogy,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education,
Shuisky branch of Ivanovo State University,
Parshenkova Elena N. (Candidate of Pedagogy,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education,
Shuisky branch of Ivanovo State University,
Tashina Tatyana M. (Candidate of Psychology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education, Shuisky branch of Ivanovo State University,
Children with mental retardation are characterized by a variety of speech disorders. One of the most common at school age is a violation of written speech. The text of the article presents the ascertaining stage of the study, the purpose of which is to study the state of written speech of a student with intellectual disabilities. In accordance with the set goal, a speech therapy examination was organized and carried out, containing several stages. The first stage, indicative, allowed us to formulate a general characteristic of the subject, determining his individual capabilities and features. The second stage, diagnostic, contributed to the identification of features of reading and writing disorders in the student. The third stage, analytical, provided for an assessment of the formation of writing and reading skills. The fourth stage, prognostic, was focused on summing up and formulating a speech therapy conclusion. The fifth stage, the stage of informing parents, included notifying parents of the results of the diagnostic examination and informing them of recommendations on the need for speech therapy support for the child. Based on the data obtained, it is further planned to compile a set of corrective measures aimed at correcting violations of writing in a primary school student with intellectual disabilities. Thus, the article describes in detail the content and results of a speech therapy examination of a student with an intellectual disability.
Keywords:mental retardation; speech therapy examination; violation of writing.
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Citation link: Erokhina A. A., Morugina V. V., Parshenkova E. N., Tashina T. M. Specific writing errors in schoolchildren with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№01. -С. 65-69 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.1.15 |