Nazarchuk Yulia Ivanovna (Candidate of Phil. sciences, Associate Professor of SPGUTD
Russia, St. Petersburg
Kohanova Anna Vladislavovna (Candidate of Phil. sciences, Associate Professor of SPGUTD
Russia, St. Petersburg
In this article, we aim to establish the actual language implementation of the arguments of the text. Namely, which language tools are used to encode arguments in the text. The main methods are the hypothetical-deductive method, methods of structural analysis, argumentative-functional analysis, propositional analysis, restoration of lacunae, case-role representation of the meaning of the sentence; methods of semantic interpretation, paraphrasing. On the basis of the developed approach to the analysis of the structure and semantics of arguments, the text of the genre of public speaking was analyzed with the establishment of argumentative units in it, the methods of formation of argumentative structures of the strategic level based on the tactical components with the establishment of the type of connection between the latter, revealed the deep semantics of the elements of the basic argumentative level of the text. The analysis of the argumentative text performed in order to identify its structural and semantic content showed the following. The text, being an imprint of the discourse of public speaking, has a certain compositional structure, which has an Introduction, the Main part and Conclusion. The compositional structure of the text of a public speech does not coincide with the argumentative one.
Keywords:structural and semantic analysis, quantitative analysis, argumentative analysis, predicate semantics, argumentative course
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Citation link: Nazarchuk Y. I., Kohanova A. V. STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC CONTENT ARGUMENTATIVE TEXT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№03. -С. 163-169 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.3.25 |